

      Canada Private Mortgage Fund


Given the stable economic environment in Canada, the substantial price escalating potential in its real estate market and the relatively cheap Canadian dollar, this project aims to invest in the real estate mortgage business (including 1st mortgage、2nd  mortgage). While obtaining the considerable investment return, it will help our investors to accomplish the overseas asset allocation, so the wealth management and risk diversification can be achieved simultaneously.

•    投资标的的准确挑选及专业管理是获得可观收益与风险控制的基础。德骏资本将整合行业内资源,并与当地相关资深律所、金融机构通力合作,力求实现这一目标。

The precise selection and the professional management of loans are two pre-requisites of profit realization and risk control. Through the integration of related strategic resources and the cooperation with the local well-experienced institutes,  the two pre-requisites will be pursued.

•    项目资金及抵押标的由德骏资本控制的境外子公司完全掌控,保障了资金及资产的安全。

The funds of this project and the assets collateralized will be held by the overseas subsidiary of D.J. Capital, which ensures the security of funds invested.

•    投资周期短,因而最终收益受加国长期经济波动与政策变化的影响较低。

Since the investment horizon of this project is relatively short, the exposure to the long-term economic fluctuation and potential policy changes is limited.


      Cross-border M&A Financing Service

•    我们为有意在海外进行跨境并购的中国企业提供离岸融资服务。

We provide off-shore financing service to China enterprises seeking overseas M&A opportunities.